Frequently Asked Questions

Conservation Agriculture (CA) is a farming approach that fosters natural ecological processes to increase agricultural yields and sustainability by minimizing soil disturbance (zero tillage); maintaining permanent soil cover; and diversifying crop rotations.

From Local area extension staff in areas where CA is being or has been implemented, and (ii) ACT head office or its specific country and sub-regional offices across Africa.

Conservation agriculture (CA) means less work because it is not necessary to disturb the soil and weed as many times as done in conventional farming. CA suppresses weeds and reduces erosion. It improves the soil structure, ability to retain water, organic matter content and fertility. All these lead to higher and more stable yields and improved productivity.

Conservation Agriculture is not widely adopted due to a number of challenges such as:

  • § low awareness levels of the CA technologies
  • § low access to affordable CA equipment
  • § lack of CA supporting policies
  • § fixed mind set

Depending on the level of mechanization you can use hand tools, animal drawn equipment or tractor mounted machinery.

Local manufacturers, artisans, Stockists or Contact ACT head office or its specific country and sub-regional offices across Africa.

Yes, however, pre-treatment operation might be required to adapt the micro-conditions (soil pH, topography, soil compaction)

Reduced labour (by up to 70%), enhanced moisture conservation, conservation of biodiversity, carbon sequestration and improved yields.

Yes, smothering through biological control; shallow mechanical weeding, suppression by mulching.

CA enhances in-situ water infiltration and retention of soil moisture.

A number of organizations and individuals who are in support and promotion of CA, this include government extension system where capacity of extension staff has been built, local NGOs, Research institutions, champion farmers and ACT and its members across the African continent.

Through labour reduction, availability of water, variety of fresh produce such as nutrient-rich African Leafy Vegetables (conservation of bio-diversity) and reduced cost of productions.

Through paddocks and live fences